Trade Secrets – Dry Irish Gin (200ml)
40% vol. 200ML
A truly distinctive & classic styled Gin on the nose, with juniper and a touch of citrus. The core botanicals are amplified on the taste. There is a clear coriander seed, vibrant juniper and hint of angelica note upfront, alongside a triple hit of citrus. The cassia adds a warming spice on the finish and the overall impression is that of a traditional, archetypal Gin. Trade Secrets Gin is unequivocally one for the purists & Gin lovers, and anyone looking for a versatile Gin to use in a classic cocktail will find it the perfect choice.
Adding in a wedge of orange as a garnish in a G&T would be our vote, but as with any balanced & versatile dry gins – there are many ways you could utilise Trade Secrets to suit your preferences. Check out some of the recommendations from our Featured Bartenders for further garnish or cocktail inspiration.